New Date! Please join us Tuesday April 1st for this very important event!
The Urban Network is the premier advisory voice to OSBA, dedicated to helping urban school boards of education effectively prepare all students to be globally competitive and successful in college and/or career. By sharing ideas and best practices, we ensure that all urban school districts benefit. We invite any and all staff in the district to participate in the conversation. Our workshop discussion will dive deep into the topic of an alternative report card.
10 a.m. Welcome and introductions
Thomas C. Patterson, OSBA President and board member, Sandusky City
10:10 a.m. Report Card Workgroup update
10:30 a.m. Legislative update and Q&A
Malania Birney, legislative services consultant; (tentative) new members of the General Assembly
11 a.m. Lunch and hot topics roundtables
Groups will select 2-3 questions to discuss. After discussions, one facilitator from each table will report.
Hot topic questions
How is your district tackling transportation challenges?
How does your district work with partners to center yourselves in your community (successful after-school and wrap-around service partnerships)?
How is your district tackling chronic absenteeism and/or declining enrollment?
In what area is your district excelling?
If you were an all-powerful governor/president and could enact one policy change to help your district, what would it be?
11:30 a.m. Hot topic report outs
11:45 a.m. COSSBA announcements and wrap up