House Education and Career Readiness Committee

The committee heard testimony on House Bill (HB) 170, which calls for developing optional academic content standards and curriculum for computer science. It also would address educator qualifications for computer science. OSBA, the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO) and Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA) offered testimony. Click here for a copy of the testimony.

The committee also heard proponent testimony on HB 176, which would make changes to the state academic content standards and state assessments.

Additionally, the committee heard proponent testimony on HB 200. This legislation would eliminate the EdChoice and Cleveland scholarship programs to create the Opportunity Scholarship Program.


Senate Finance Committee

The committee continued to hear testimony on HB 49, the biennial budget bill. We expect the committee to introduce a substitute bill during the week of June 12.

OSBA, OASBO and BASA previously offered testimony on the budget, but this week the associations gave testimony in opposition to a provision added by the House. The provision would require a school district to pay court costs and legal fees if it challenges the valuation of property within its borders as being set too low and does not prevail. Click here for a copy of the testimony.

The following school district representatives also offered testimony on the budget bill:

• Tim Pickana, Coalition for Fiscal Fairness in Ohio

• Emily Hauser, treasurer/chief financial officer, St. Bernard-Elmwood Place City

• Mike Sobul, Coalition for Fiscal Fairness in Ohio


Posted by Jennifer Hogue on 6/2/2017