Sponsored By:
Robinson, P.
Category: , Introduced:

To require school board approval of municipal tax increment financing incentive district. arrangements.

Sponsored By:
Robinson, P.
Category: , Introduced:

To increase the rate of the sports gaming tax on certain operators, to require all-day kindergarten, to establish universal preschool programs, and to name this act the Universal Preschool Act.

Sponsored By:
Robinson, P.
Category: , Introduced:

To require school board approval of municipal tax increment financing incentive district. arrangements.

HB 602: Homeschool
Sponsored By:
Fowler Arthur, S.
Category: , Introduced:

To exempt home education groups from child care regulations, county and township zoning regulations, and to amend the versions of sections 5104.01, 5104.02, and 5104.38 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, to continue the change on and after that date.

Sponsored By:
Wiggam. S.
Category: , Introduced:
To protect individuals from being compelled to wear a mask or other facial covering.
Sponsored By:
Dobos, D., Jones, D.
Category: , Introduced:

To require school districts to offer at least one high school computer science course and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date.

Sponsored By:
Edwards, J.
Category: , Introduced:

To amend Sections 307.80 and 423.120 of H.B. 33 of the 135th General Assembly to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of certain state programs, to make capital appropriations and reappropriations for the biennium ending June 30, 2026, to make other appropriations, and to declare an emergency.

HB 633: Diabetes
Sponsored By:
Miller, A., Hall, T.
Category: , Introduced:
To require the Department of Health to develop type 1 diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of elementary school students and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that date.
HB 659: Water Safety
Sponsored By:
Mathews, A., Lorenz, B.
Category: , Introduced:

To require certain public and chartered nonpublic schools to provide information about water safety education.

Sponsored By:
Reineke, B.
Category: , Introduced:

To rename the Department of Education as the Department of Education and Workforce, to create the position of Director of Education and Workforce and to reform the functions and responsibilities of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction.