CE discussion questions

  • Does our school district/ESC have a way to determine what the public expects of our schools? 
  • Does our district/ESC have a way to determine the public’s perception of and confidence in education? 
  • How extensively is the public currently involved in the development of our school improvement plan or strategic goals? 
  • How broad is that involvement? Should it be more extensive? 
  • If our board convenes the community, what benefits and outcomes do we see? 
  • Looking specifically at our board's effort to raise student achievement, do we see areas of vision, goal setting, implementation, accountability or advocacy where public advice, approval or assistance would be beneficial? 
  • In what areas do we want the public’s role to be advisory, and in what areas do we want the public to share in decision making? 
  • Whom do we want to engage and why? What will their involvement look like? 


  1. Oregon School Boards Association. (n.d.). Boards and Community Engagement.  Retrieved April 6, 2018, from http://www.osba.org/Resources/Article/Community_Relations/