Executive Committee

Duties of the Executive Committee
OSBA’s Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees serves as the governing body of the association between meetings of the Board of Trustees, and conducts any business as needed. The committee:

  • makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees relating to issues and events that occur during the year;
  • determines the number of trustees each regional association is entitled to elect or appoint;
  • adopts interim legislative policies between meetings of the Delegate Assembly by a three-fourths (3/4) vote;
  • appoints delegates and alternates to the COSSBA Delegate Assembly;
  • conducts the annual evaluation of the executive director; and
  • establishes salary and terms of contract for the executive director.

The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees consists of the president, president-elect, immediate past president and five (5) other members, one appointed by and from each regional executive committee. If a vacancy occurs and the OSBA Constitution does not have a provision for succession, the Board of Trustees shall appoint a successor from the same region as the outgoing member.

Term of Office
Executive Committee members appointed by the regional executive committees serve one-year terms. Officers serve on the Executive Committee for the term of their office. No person, except an officer, shall serve more than five (5) successive one-year terms.

The Executive Committee meets prior to the three regular meetings of the Board of Trustees. Additional meetings are normally held in November and December. The Executive Committee occasionally conducts business between meetings by conference call.