OSBA fact sheets and brochures
Fact Sheets
Quick references for your most frequently asked questions
A board member's role in collective bargaining
Board member compensation, benefits and expense reimbursement
Competitive bidding - updated
The difference between pupil activity and supplemental contracts
Educating adult students, emancipated minors and unaccompanied youth
Filing as a write-in candidate for a seat on a board of education
Filling board of education vacancies
How to create an education foundation
Individualized education programs (IEPs)
Interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children
Public participation at school board meetings
Regulating political activities of school employees
Rehiring retirees - updated
Reporting educator misconduct - updated
School board members, school employees and nepotism
School board organizational meeting and oath of office
Selecting design professional or design-build services
Special education basics for board members
Understanding Ohio's Sunshine Law
Fast facts
talking points on a variety of topics
EdChoice Scholarship (voucher) Program
Helping new board members transition to your leadership team
Kids PAC - your political action committee
OSBA Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage
School transportation regulations
Tips for contacting or meeting with legislators
Tips on running successful board meetings
White papers and free publications
Advancing Student Achievement: The School Board's Role: Learn how school boards can positively impact student achievement in their districts.
Board Committees — A guide to board committees and how they support the work of the board of education.
The Family and Medical Leave Act: A practical guide — This practical guide will help answer FMLA questions, determine whether the FMLA applies, properly notify employees of their rights and responsibilities under the FMLA, ensure that an employee's FMLA leave is properly captured, and provide guidance to ensure an employee is properly reinstated. It provides practical examples and explanations, helpful charts and diagrams, and useful Internet links.
Guide to Charter or Community Schools — OSBA's overview of charter or community schools.
HR Desktop Reference Guide to School Law (2024) — This free reference guide provides concise information describing the employment laws directly related to public school employment in Ohio. Prepared for school board members and school administrators by the Ohio Council of School Board Attorneys’ Executive Committee and the Ohio School Boards Association’s legal services division.