Week of April 1, 2019

Opportunity to testify on state budget next week
Public hearings on the education portions of the biennial budget bill - House Bill (HB) 166 - are set for the week of April 8. Click here to access a committee notice that includes information for providing testimony.

Barriers to Student Learning

Students deal with numerous issues outside of the classroom that affect their academic performance. Regularly dealing with societal issues such as poverty, homelessness, hunger, bullying, suicide and drug use may prevent a child from learning to his or her full potential. Barriers to student achievement may exist in a child's school and within the home. Many of these problems can be addressed with awareness and action, parental involvement or community support.The resources listed below are intended to assist districts in helping their students.

Career and college ready

What is college and career ready? Simply put, it means that students who graduate from high school are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary opportunities—whether those opportunities involve enrolling in college, seeking advanced employment skills for a sustainable wage career or enlisting in the military. How do we judge if our students are ready? They enter their postsecondary experiences without need for remediation.