PDQ May 2019

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Hennes Communications

Crisis communications advice, training and audits

Today, schools face a range of threats — everything from social media firestorms and accusations of sexual misconduct to contentious ballot issues and prolonged negotiations with labor unions.  

When those events occur, stakeholders need to hear the school’s side of the story first.

Our crisis management consultants are deeply experienced crisis professionals with long histories working in the news media, in industry and in law.

Getting our community connected

How do you get people to feel connected, how do you get them to care? Let’s begin with our children.  

It was hard for me to view and listen to Windfield’s remarks without thinking about school buildings and school districts. Wildfield says that feeling connected to where you live is a vital ingredient to the recipe in creating sustainable and resilient communities. If you feel connected to where you live, you are more likely to care about it, and want to protect it and want to participate.” Is this true of where you learn?

Week of April 8, 2019

House Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education
The committee continued to hear testimony on House Bill (HB) 166, which makes appropriations for the state operating budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, including the school-funding formula. 

Rice Education Consulting

Rice Education Consulting (Redcon) is a strategic consulting firm. Providing transformational learning resources to organizations and communities that facilitate the development of their most important assets – their people and their culture! 

Services offered
• virtual training (eLearning/webinars)
• organization assessments and audits
• consultation
• strategic action planning
• face to face training

A L Berry Consulting Inc.

A L Berry Consulting Inc. delivers customized professional development for school and district leaders to help support district initiatives centered on creating systems that lead to academic excellence for marginalized learners.

Services include