Week of April 22, 2019

Senate Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education
The committee conducted informal hearings on House Bill 166, which makes appropriations for the state operating budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, including the school-funding formula. Testimony from the hearings can be accessed by clicking here.

Ohio Attorney General issues sick leave donation opinion

On April 16, the Ohio Attorney General (AG) released 2019 Ohio Atty.Gen.Ops. No.


Week of April 15, 2019

Budget update
The Ohio House Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education held several hearings this month on House Bill (HB) 166, the state budget bill that includes the school-funding formula and education policy changes. Many individuals and organizations testified on the bill, including school board members, superintendents and treasurers.

Rahmberg Stover and Associates

Establishing wages and salaries that are appropriately competitive and internally equitable is one of management’s most important responsibilities. Rahmberg Stover and Associates provides a full range of consulting services necessary to help organizations design and administer employee pay programs covering the entire workforce, from entry-level positions to professional/technical roles to the management group.