CommunicationPlus - June-July 2019

Don’t forget to share your facilities updates

The students and teachers have gone away for the summer, but the schools are not quiet. The sounds of summer work fill the buildings and grounds. Summer facilities work is the reason school buildings last for decades and change to meet the new demands of modern education. Some of the work is routine maintenance and some is exciting new construction, but all of it is important to tell your community about.

Bond construction

Licensure Requirements for Substitute Teachers

The licensure requirements for substitute teachers in Ohio will undergo significant changes once Senate Bill 216 (SB 216) goes into effect on July 1. The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) formerly issued both Long Term five-year, and Short Term one-year substitute licenses under Revised Code (RC) section 3319.226.

May is Mental Health Month

Across our country's public schools, we are numbly aware of shootings, bullying and youth suicides that highlight the mental health needs of our most vulnerable students. What we miss, at times, is the serious mental health needs of students who perform at the highest standards, are loved by friends and teachers, and seem to have it all together.  The Student Achievement Leadership Team (SALT) were introduced to the needs of these students at a recent SALT meeting.