State Board Adopts SEL Standards

In Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education, social-emotional learning is one of four equal learning domains supporting Ohio’s goal of preparing each student in Ohio for postsecondary life.

Week of June 17, 2019

Senate activity
The Senate passed House Bill (HB) 166 by a vote of 33-0. Before the two-year state budget bill reached the Senate floor, the Senate Finance Committee made several changes to the legislation, including:
• implementing long-term graduation requirement changes, which were crafted jointly by Ohio Excels, the Fordham Institute and the Alliance for High-Quality Education;

Week of June 10, 2019

Senate Finance Committee
The committee accepted its version of House Bill (HB) 166, the state budget bill. Click here for a synopsis of the changes made by the committee. The committee is expected to make additional changes to the bill early next week, followed quickly by a full vote of the Senate.

Upcoming Events

The Division of Legal Services is offering the following two upcoming events this month:


Week of June 3, 2019

Senate Finance Committee
The committee heard testimony on House Bill (HB) 166, which makes appropriations for the state operating budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, including the school-funding formula.