Final ruling issued in favor of transgender student

A federal district judge recently issued a final ruling in favor of transgender student Gavin Grimm. The ruling marks an end to a long legal process that began in 2015, with stops in the district court, court of appeals and U.S.

Trouble Unseen

Every year, Ohio’s high schoolers continue to look better and better on paper (higher test scores, better grades), and yet rates of youth mental illness continue to rise. Many high schoolers’ experiences are defined by chronic stress, sleepless nights, and panic attacks; but in competitive high school environments, mental health is extremely difficult to talk about.

Collective Bargaining Seminar

Join the Division of Legal Services at OSBA’s offices on Friday, Sept. 6 for our second collective bargaining workshop. The program will cover the bargaining process, current issues and some difficult subjects in school negotiations. You will also leave with important tips for effective bargaining and discuss some frequently exchanged bargaining proposals.

2019 OSBA communication audit RFP

There is not an addendum at this time. If it is necessary to create an addendum, the addendum would be posted by noon on Aug. 14, 2019.

Below are clarifying questions and answers.

For context, is OSBA willing to share relevant portions of the 2017 strategic plan?
Yes. It is available on our website.

CommunicationPlus - August 2019

Communications planning: Editorial calendar for the new year

You may have a mind like a steel trap, but it’s nearly impossible to remember all the dates and activities throughout the year that need to be communicated to your different school district audiences.